轻松享受音乐带来的乐趣是T50p的一个特点。其音质细节表现力和清朗的外观设计完美结合在一起,外部材质有着独到之处,采用以光滑的不锈钢、铝及优质朔料零部件制作而成,而细节的表现力成为iPhone用户的首选,与之搭配使用是一种真正的享受。多功能化的直角的转接插头适合每一款iPhone。佩戴舒适的耳机外壳能够自由旋转,头带的长度也可以自由拉伸 ,并且带有屏蔽噪音的功能,这与德国顶级轿车车门相像。 当然,T50p出自德国工程师之手,有着“德国制造”的烙印。
T50p荣获2010~2011 EISA年度最佳耳机和2011金耳朵大奖专题:http://www.beyerdynamic.biz/t50p/t50p.swf
"The Beyer Dynamic T 50 p is the best headphones on the go."
(articledashboard.com, 09/2010)
"The build quality of the T50P is exceptional."
(compudio.ca, 09/2010)
"The design of the Beyer Dynamic T 50 p convinces - not only with its simple elegance, but also with high comfort and good attenuation of ambient noise."
(searchwarp.com, 09/2010)
"The award goes to Beyerdynamic T 50 p for its hi-fi listening on the go experience. The beautifully handcrafted, retro design results in headphones that are so comfortable you can spend long hours relaxing and listening to music without discomfort."
(insipifundas.blogspot.com, 08/2010)
"The brushed metal feel is awesome..."
(headphiles.org, 08/2010)
"... super cool looking Beyer T 50 p portable headphone."
"The build quality is really awesome... The design is very modern..."
(headfonia.com, 07/2010)